Child Support
All children deserve the support of both parents, no matter how those parents feel about each other. That’s why child support is so important. This is money paid to the custodial parent by the noncustodial parent to cover the costs of caring for the children.
The custodial parent is responsible for providing the kids with a safe home, good school, food to eat and extracurricular activities. During the divorce process, the amount of the support is decided by the court of during mediation.
Determining Child Support Payment Amounts
There are a few factors that help calculate how much child support a noncustodial parent must pay. Each parent’s total resources are calculated by the judge, including salary, rental income, social security income, interest, pensions and other income.
If the court believes the noncustodial parent is purposefully earning less than they actually can, things can get tricky. In the State of Texas, the court may order child support payments based on the noncustodial parent’s potential earnings.
Other factors used to calculate child support amounts include the child’s age, needs and the mental and physical capacity of both parents. Generally, one child in a Texas child support case is entitled to 20% of the resources of the noncustodial parent. Add 5% for each additional minor.
If the couple opts out of mediation, the child support amount if determined and legally ordered by the court. The custodial parent may pursue legal actions if the support is not paid. This may lead the judge to garnish wages, sending the payments directly to the custodial parent.
Ensure Child Support Payments Are Correct
A Houston child support attorney can assist you if you’re not receiving your court ordered payments. Your payments can go to the Texas Disbursement Unit, where they are sent directly to you.
If you’ve been ordered to pay child support, are you sure all of your required obligations are being completed? It’s important that you feel assured that your kids are being care for properly. You also need to be sure you’re paying a fair amount for child support that’s reasonable for you.
Child support is not a punishment for the noncustodial parent because of the quality of parenting or no longer living in the home. And its not directly connected to visitation rights. Therefore, the custodial parent must not withhold visitation with the children for not child support delinquency.
The purpose of the child support is to create a plan where both parents equally contribute to the children’s financial needs. No matter the situation, both parents want what’s in the best interest of the kids. Child support helps give them opportunities to grow up in healthy homes and into successful adults.
Noncustodial parents need to spend quality time with their children. They also need to pay child support to help custodial parents keep up with the goals both parents have for the kids.
Trying to negotiate a child support agreement in Texas that’s fair to both parties? Call your local Houston child support attorney today.